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Pick Your Spot in Class

When you book directly with us using a Class Pack or Membership, you will always choose your own spot within the studio. 3rd party booking platforms such as Classpass assign your space at random.

Priority Booking Access

Spots are released to Class Pack and Membership holder FIRST!

Mobile Check-in

Using our mobile app, you are able to skip the front desk / line and check yourself in.


Reach milestones and get commemorative socks for 100 Club, 300 Club, 500 Club and 1000 Club!

Gain other rewards the more classes you take as well!

Sign the Wall of Fame and celebrate with each milestone!

Access to FREE Challenges

Free challenges for Class Pack and Membership holder happen at least 5X per year. You might not know how we roll yet, but we go BIG with prizes from our studio and many partners. 😉

Set Custom Goals

You can set weekly goals for the number of classes per week you want to take, track your streaks and more!

Manage "All The Things" in Our App

Our app enables you to stay logged in and quickly book classes. You can also make changes to your profile, goals, milestones and more!

Never Boring, always a vibe.

$29.99 for 1 Week

We're different.

From the classes to the vibe, you kind of have to come see it for yourself. 😉

We're not about what you can lose, we're about what you can gain - strength, confidence, and more.

We are group fitness for everybody and EVERY body.

Our classes are taught under fun neon lights to music that drives you. Come move to the beat with us!

Trial Perks

📍 Pick your spot when you book your class.

💸 Pay $6 per class on average - save 77%

🗓 Book ANY class, any time

I'm new to fitness, where do I start?

All of our classes are designed for all levels.

Instructors will offer modifications and challenges frequently to engage all levels.

You are always free to work at your own level in our classes. It is a safe space for you to do so and you will almost never be alone. We have large studios and there's often multiple newcomers in each class. 😉

What classes should I try first?

Our classes provide a well-balanced offering. From low-impact, to strength training, to cardio, we've got you covered! You can view more in-depth class descriptions on the schedule or our home page.

BUT, don't miss our fan favorites, Brawl® and Barre! 😉

NO auto renewals

Membership activates on purchase and does not renew.

Unlimited Classes, Unlimited Choice.

$50 per week

Pay-As-You-Go Perks

📍 Pick your spot when you book your class.

💸 Pay $9 per class on average - save 65%

🗓 Book ANY class, any time

🤸‍♀️ Enjoy your freedom

Need more flexibility, but still want to save?

Clients on this membership spend $9 per class on average!

Even if you have times where you buy 4 weeks in a row, you only spend $20 more per month than the $180 Unlimited Monthly. $20 is a low price for the cost of freedom and convenience. 😉

Have commitment fears?

Now you don't. Book 1 week whenever you want to!

Have a crazy ever-changing schedule?

Some ways to save come with limits, like our Off-Peak Unlimited. Not this one - book any class, any time.

Travel a lot?

Never worry about freezing your membership or "wasting" money while you're away!

We listened to your feedback about membership freezes, your travel schedules impacting membership use, etc. So we got creative, and here's our answer!

NO auto renewals

Membership activates on purchase and does not renew. Sign up for 1 week of unlimited classes at a time, whenever you want. 💪 You are in total control with this option.

NO complicated contracts

No contract. No renewal. By purchasing and booking on our site, you are subject to late cancel and no show fees. You can view these in our Studio Policies.

  • Off-Peak Unlimited

    $89 per month

    ($5 per class on average)
    💸 Arguably our biggest way to save if your schedule is flexible.
    ✪ Off-Peak classes start between 8am-4:30pm Mon-Fri and are noted on the schedule.
    ☝️ 1 Guest Pass per month
    BUY NOW 
  • 3-Month Upfront Unlimited

    $440 every 3 months

    ($9 per class on average)
    💸 Save $100 by purchasing in advance.
    🖤 Helps you commit to yourself and stay on track!
    ✌️ 2 Guest Passes per month
    BUY NOW 
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  • Dedicated 8-Class Monthly

    $120 per month

    ($15 per class)
    *Classes do not roll over
    BUY NOW 
  • Dedicated Unlimited Monthly

    $149 per month

    ($9 per class on average)
    ✌️ 2 Guest Passes per month included
    BUY NOW 
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  • 4-Class Monthly

    $80 per month

    ($20 per class)
    • Classes do not roll over
    BUY NOW 
  • 8-Class Monthly

    $150 per month

    ($18.75 per class)
    • Classes do not roll over
    BUY NOW 
  • Unlimited Monthly

    $180 per month

    ($11.25 per class on average)
    ✌️ 2 Guest Passes per month included
    BUY NOW 
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†All memberships renew monthly until cancelled. Cancellations must be emailed to 30 days prior to your next billing cycle.
††All purchases are subject to Studio Policies.