Studio Updates
We're REMAINING The Barre Code® and we’re SO here for you with all your familiar class formats and improvements!
How to keep booking classes & kicking ass with us!
Watch @barrecodechicago on IG and your inbox for updates!
We'll be announcing updates there!
NEW Website & Contact Info
As you can see, we've got a new website! You'll want to delete any old bookmarks and emails and update those! Our new contact email is
What will happen to my membership / credits?
Your current credit packages and memberships with River North will all transfer over with the same renewal/expiration dates on them!
Reset your password to book
Good news! We're able to migrate your accounts over, just not login info.
Reset your password HERE and you're ready to rock!
Delete the old app!
If you don't want to be confused - delete the old The Barre Code & Barre3 apps. *They automatically changed branding on us for iphones and we are NOT becoming Barre3!!!
The old apps will allow you to log in and will show incorrect data - this is why we say delete them!
Download NEW app
You MUST downlolad the new app to see account info & book classes.
The old app is tied to our old booking software and is totally incorrect info. DELETE IT! 🙏
Track your progress with Streaks!
Coming soon to the web and app, keep your Streak going! Don't forget to look back on your progress and show yourself some radical self-love at the way you stick with it!
Join challenges to help you reach your goals!
Visualize your goals and progress WITHOUT THE HASSLE OF STAMPS! And of course, there WILL be prizes! 😉
Mobile Check-In
Once you're in the studio, you'll be able to check in using your location on our app! You can skip the line!